Missing meals or eating junk will hinder your fat loss goals. There is no way around this fact. Therefore, it is extremely important that your food is handy and ready for the week ahead.
The quality of food we desire to ingest is not typically drive thru available or found in the frozen dinner section of our local grocery store. So we must pre – prepare our foods for the week. This is called meal prep! Pre- cook your meat proteins for the week and put half in the freezer. Grill, bake, broil, or prepare on the stove your favorite lean protein selections. If you will be home for dinner or any meal that you want hot, by all means enjoy it fresh! By cooking enough for the week and putting half in the freezer you will always be protein prepared. You may choose to prepare them less often to have more fresh if your time allows, maybe you grill dinner every night and can prepare enough for your lunch the next day, that is great! Don’t ever be in a position that you are without. I like the idea of back up here for sure. However you find it easiest for your lifestyle, always have proteins available! You can freeze prepared meats confidently for 2 months and still maintain the quality. CAUTION: Do not eat meats after three to four days in fridge. Trust me on that one! Gather your fruits and veggies for the next few days. You will have to go to the grocery store, farmers market, or local produce stand twice a week unless you have a garden in your back yard to get fresh veggies. Purchase frozen fruits and veggies when needed. Whatever you do, do not miss your daily dose of cancer- fighting, free-radical-destroying, acid – neutralizing, micro-nutrient rich power! Have these handy to add to each meal, whether you are adding it to a travel container or your plate at home, make it easy and accessible. If you need to pre – chop and measure your veggies a few days before to fit your busy schedule, then do! Store them separately and add to the meal that day. Along with your fruits and veggies, complex carbohydrates are good in the fridge 3-4 days. This is oatmeal, beans, quinoa, brown or wild rice, sweet potatoes, etc. Make a big batch and divide among your meals accordingly. Add them to your meal the day you will be consuming them, do not store with your protein. If your nutrition program calls for supplements, be sure you have a week supply available. If you are running low, restock! Not sure what you are suppose to be eating? Find your Individual Nutrition Needs here. As always I'm here to help! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask! Sincerely, Cassandra Gann [email protected]
Limitless Legs - Routine #1
We ALL fall down.
I was talking with a dear friend and client the other day who travels regularly. She was explaining how after her last trip it seemed harder to get back in the swing of meal prep, regular sleep, and prioritizing workouts. She was tired, grabbing easy food options, and skipping cardio sessions. Understanding the long term importance of lifting weights, and with me there waiting for her, she showed for her scheduled training sessions, though she said would have been VERY easy to skip. She went on to explain that in the past this is where she would quit. So many times we have the all or none mentality. The “I didn’t do this so why do that” thought process. With her mind made up, my friend listened to her body. Focusing first on rest and nutrition, she prepared her meals and made herself go to bed at a decent hour. Being a night owl this was a very hard task for her, and required some discipline. Within the week she began to feel amazing again, and is back on track. This friend of mine is down 60 pounds, and through this journey has realized that there will be times she falls. She realizes that this is not a deal breaker, and the given efforts are not lost. She knows all that can be done is to get back up, dust off, and move forward. As we parted ways, with a big smile on her face, she assured me that the difference between this time and the other attempts of living a fit and healthy lifestyle, is simply not giving up after a fall. She says- “It is not the end, just a bump in the road, and I feel fantastic!” As her trainer and nutrition coach my heart is completely full. The struggles of balancing life and fitness is a huge reality. I highly recommend the pursuit of Persistence over Perfection! You will get there! Don’t give up! If you need guidance I am here to help. Nutrition is absolutely key to any successful program, and the perfect start to living a fit and healthy life. Learn more about nutrition here, and let’s start your success story today. Sincerely, Cassandra Gann The season of jeans and leggings is upon us. Do them justice with this booty lifting routine! Warm Up - 50 Plie Squats in as few sets possible
3 sets of each: Walking Lunges with Kickback - same leg - 15 reps each leg Cable Squat Bounces - stay low - 15 reps Cable Squat to Hip Thrust (squeeze glutes hard at top) - 15 reps Hack Squat - 8 to 10 reps Reverse Adductor - 15 reps Cable Squat Bounce Super Set with Cable Squat to Hip Thrust - 10 reps each Finish - 1 round of each in as few sets possible 50 GHD - (chest up and don't go too far down -squeeze those glutes to power your raise ) 50 Plie Squats Enjoy!!! Cassandra Gann Browse more workouts ![]() Are you robbing your body of the benefits from your nutritious food? TRUTH IS - You can have a great diet, but without proper hydration your nutrients aren’t being broken down and transferred into your cells. This causes your body to miss the advantageous power of the nutrients you ingest. Picture your cells. Each cell has a membrane. Your water intake directly affects the fluidity of your cell membrane. If the cell membrane is hard, the nutrients bounce off. However, if the cell membrane is fluid, the nutrients are easily transferred in to do their job! Water also aids in digestion. The enzymes found in saliva, the basis of which is water, help break down food and liquid, dissolving them into minerals and nutrients to be used by the cells. Two thirds of your body water is held within the cell. This water is responsible for a large number of metabolic reactions within the cell, creating an environment where fat burning magic happens! Drink water to break down food and make the nutrients easily accessible to the cells for optimal living, maintaining a healthy weight, and superior energy! Cheers to fat loss, living lean, and enjoying life! Learn more about Nutrition Reference: Berardi, John PhD. and Andrews, Ryan MS/MA,RD (2013). Nutrition: The Complete Guide, International Sports Sciences Association's Specialist in fitness Nutrition Program. |
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